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Why Are Turtles Living Tanks? 5 Weird Animal Facts - Ep. 40 : AnimalBytesTV

By June 9, 2018

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Why are turtles living tanks? Jason explains some awesome and funny facts about some of the planet’s most bizarre turtles. See how this turtles have a built in protection from predators. Check out the living tanks like the Chinese soft-shelled turtle, Fly River turtles, Eastern Long-necked turtles, Black-knobbed Map Turtle and the Mata Mata Turtle. Let us know in the comments below which is your favorite turtle from today’s episode.

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  • Love Turtles since 1967 - Taste Grrrreat.. Just kidding.. 🙂

  • I like turtles

  • Mata mata: Why so serious?

  • I love turtles. you should do 5weirdest tortious

  • like to see alligator turtle & Florida common snapping turtle!

  • do i like turtles what kind of question is that my life recolves around turtles

  • im watching this with my turtle heavy

  • i like turtles

  • Yes

  • yes

  • "While you're down there" huehuehue ;D

  • 😄💖ðŸ?¢ lovely videjoe 💖 ðŸ‘?

  • do one on mantises, or however u spell….the plural of mantis, do that

  • Simply love the mata mata

  • aww when you showed the baby turtle I squealed from adorableness X3

  • do u guys think the Mata Mata is trying to give us a troll face😲

  • How do you know all about turtles

  • Jason Miller you forgot tha snapping turtle

  • I do like turtles. I currently butler 1 Alligator Snapping turtle, 2 Terrapins (one northern diamondback and one concentric diamondback), one Musk turtle or stinkpot, and one Mississippi Mud turtle. All the turtles share a tank except for the Alligator Snapper haha. But I love them all.

  • I haven't watched this yet but I bet the Mata Mata turtle is in this video.

  • i like turtles

  • I like red eared slider turtles

  • Loved it, as always! Hope all is well!!

  • how about ferrets !!??

  • slowest animals

  • you nailed the aussie accent.

  • I like turtles.

  • great vid as always! You missed the alligator snapping turtle though, must be the most extreme turtle species out there hehe


  • Why does Australia get all the cool weird animals 😒

  • top 5 your favorite rodents if not top 5 scanvegers
