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UCLA Men’s Soccer Highlights at Louisville - NCAA Tournament 2nd Round

By March 4, 2018
  • I could play in this in the future just need my gpa

  • My Sunday league squad would destroy these teams lmaoooo

  • UCLA couldn't finish!!!

  • what the hell im watching?The keeper ran more faster than some players on field…

  • I could break my legs and arms and still be a better than all those guys.

  • Fucking shitty asses

  • Divison 8 koreans are 10x better

  • Im easily better than all these guys, ive never played in an actual soccer team before, im self thought, and cant wait till i get to college to own mf like these

  • Atleast these guys r about to be proffesional.You just probably sittin in the corner of your bed watching youtube wasting all the time you have in your life

  • US is actually really good at soccer

  • The hating in here is horrible. I'll take a coachable "shit player" over all you disrespectful internet Pele's any day.

  • This looks like high school all over again


  • Bro I swear College soccer is trash i know Sunday league teams that better than these trash players I can play better than them an I’m only 14 I just got the money to get into a team

  • Kaka

  • I'm in an academy, premier league, 14-16 years old, and I'm surprised how shitty college soccer is! I seen better teams in my league than this crap.

  • Seen some u15 teams better than this

  • Lmao I play on jv and still play better than them

  • The game is slow and boring these people play as if they don't even want to play.

  • these dudes are ass I should be there rn

  • I'm italian…16 central back playing in a regional team but ready to give upo because the competition is tough and i won't get anywhere to be paid more than 200-300 euro per months…but i'd clearly be a top cb at 18-19 there in d1…LOL

  • What the fuuuuuuckkk. I though playing on a D1 team would be hard and that the teams were great, but fuck nooo. These guys suck

  • what the fuck this is awful. i regret not attempting to play d1

  • Can't believe how much college soccer sucks

  • I wish I could play with you guys I currently play for mayde creek high school

  • Guys, it's NCAA.. chill with the negativity.

  • They all suck!!!
    Weak passes…weak slide tackles…lame goals…even the fouls suck!!
    I wish i could teach them how to play…

  • US soccer is so trash

  • im the brazilian

  • Shit

  • you guys suck
