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The Rare and Exotic Animals - National Geographic Documentary

By February 19, 2018

The Rare and Exotic Animals - National Geographic Documentary. The white lion is a rare color mutation of the Timbavati area. White lions are the same as the tawny African Lion (Panthera leo krugeri) found in some wildlife reserves in South Africa and in zoos around the world. White lions are not a separate subspecies and are thought to be indigenous to the Timbavati region of South Africa for centuries, although the earliest recorded sighting in this region was in 1938. Regarded as divine by locals, white lions first came to public attention in the 1970s in Chris McBride’s book The White Lions of Timbavati. Up until 2009, when the first pride of white lions was reintroduced to the wild, it was widely believed that the white lion could not survive in the wild. It is for this reason that a large part of the population of white lions now reside in zoos.


  • What a beautiful documentary!

  • That last male lion knows how to conquer a lady.

  • Videos like these really make us want to keep the wilderness left alone dont they? I mean, humans messing with nature? disgusting. lets just let lion cubs take a recoverable wound and let it fester for hours before having a violent seizure and dying, because you know, beauty of nature and all that.

  • Beautiful

  • One of me favourite Lion Documents along with the
    Savage Kingdom Uprising!
    Both quite brilliant.

  • Best documentary ever! Besides another one called Black Wolf

  • What a good doc ! Can u please make a documentary about lions eating whales



  • The bird's dance reminds me of MJ, lol..

  • superb…

  • Relaxation

  • A+. Like a real "Lion King". Great directing, cameras etc.

  • That look on the dead cyb brother when he sees his dead😭😭😭😓

  • Guys I swear I just got free $1263_real money from this_amazing website>>>>freepplmoney.win/?29bGq1 Try once.

  • When he passed away I cried

  • .

  • In all the gifts life has to offer a loving mother is the greatest of them all

  • #Love Wild Animals Forever😺

  • Oh my gosh, this documentary was gorgeous, I bursted into tears when the Cub died.
    Those of you who are leaving comments about this Cub Sufferings on whether it was funny, stupid , fake and etc,
    I will always hate you because this is real life!!! Say if your brother or sister of your loved one died, would you still think it was, the way you felt to this cub?

  • At 18:00 the pride hunted their own 😂

  • I mean more likes and subscribers!

  • I love it u deserve a lot o likes and subscribers!

  • 43:32 big hurt😂
