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The Most Kind-Dearted Wild Animal! Lion Waters With Prey Before Killing

By June 6, 2018

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The Most Kind-Dearted Wild Animal- Lion Waters With Prey Before Killing - Lion vs Zebra
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  • OK that was real kind….NOT!

  • Well would u look at that! No surprise there.

  • Bahaaaahaaa

  • This does well to illustrate the huge difference between male and female lions when it comes to killing alone and is why the female lions hunt in packs

  • Cheating

  • Kind-dearted

  • Cant beat that cammo lions got,zebra nearly stepped on them

  • You suppose to die ASAP !!!!!!!!!!!

  • The zebra meat must taste like dark chocolate and vanilla

  • Don't ever wonder off from the crowd..

  • That zebra was clearly injured because it did not even bothered to run.

  • The first Zebra was obviously old af with Alzheimers

  • Its the rule of forest…whenever a animal is drinking near lake u can't hunt them.. As u can see in junglebook movie..

  • these lion are horrible …they are as mannerless as hayenas when comes to the food . tigers got class . tiger is a true king .

  • True story but not the same lion.

  • I hate lions.

  • Don't trust the animal

  • Bad humans…bad humans…does any lions clicks photos of you eating..!

  • Zebras are thick af 💕

  • What is so kindhearted about that he stillbkilled him

  • Lions have got it all their own way…Nothing to prey on them.

  • Drink that zebra blood like Tropicana!

  • Ia pantera rosa

  • zebra like, i thought wer friends

  • Nicest things ever seen before

  • Is this the watering hole rule as seen in the latest Jungle Book movie. Even Shere Khan respected it.

  • So the lion attacked s tame zebra. The zebra wasn’t in the wild. It was a zoo kept animal that was basically fed to a lion that he’d never encountered before, hence his docile reaction to the lion.

  • How can a zebra be alone 😬😬

  • E bom matar essas peste não serve pr nada

  • J

  • I wish these cameraman is eaten by the lion

  • That first zebra looks very obedient I could have made horse out of it

  • 😈

  • Zebra was drugged to make it easy for the lion after a fruitless long wait for the desired video..old trick ..used by low budget production companies

  • Omg

  • Wonderful video

  • what a naive animal! 😲

  • Hahahahahahahah ata pirmeiro

  • lion dont like dry meat

  • lion dont like dry meat

  • Cebra tonta

  • Jajajajajaja jajajajajaja

  • Nice editing

  • Cheating 😋😉
