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Ricky Gervais (animal facts)

By February 17, 2018
  • “I’m in a boat, I’m not jacking off a guy behind me”🤣🤣🤣

  • Two Texans can lead a horse to water and make him drink. One holds his head under water and the other one sucks on the other end.

  • Stroking spiders can make them go bald…next up,how many fruit pastilles does it take to choke a squirrel ? Find out after the break !!

  • Omg the elephants XDD my stomach hurt. I was like who tf reported them and just lost it

  • If this dude was in you ear at a party you'd be annoyed put him on a stage and everyone eats it up. Humans.

  • Genius.
    😂 😂

  • I think spiders that build webs are always "she".

  • Ricky's doing the best role plays! Legend!

  • He did this exact same bit on his Animals special!!

  • get in the fucking boat hahahaha

  • the script is good, but the acting is so so brilliant… tha expressions he makes when he's playing the sorry elephant and the disappointed coast guard.. what a master.

  • elephant one had me crying

  • must be one big boat the life guard was on to offer the elephant to get inside

  • Guys, I'm not english. The fact about Daisy going upstaires but not down … is there any reference at the end about something or ? Cuz I don't get it ….

  • I dunno - it's pretty light humor for stand-up.

  • i saw him 1st doing stand up in gta 4

  • One of my tarantulas has a bald spot, the other tarantula has now shunned him xD

  • spider and elephant were the best lol

  • lol 2016

  • Animal fact: A female Praying Mantis rarely will eat its mate. When it does happen it is because the female was hungry and didn't have another food source available.

  • Polar bear one had me dying.

  • i make wigs for spiders, so stroke away

  • Elephant never forgets

  • You know Ricky's a good storyteller when I feel annoyed at the coast guard as I'm sitting here at my computer. Can't he just leave that elephant the fuck alone??

  • IN TEARS, literally! This is so funny it hurts. hahhaaha

  • man he was wearing the tight shirt when he was a bloated fat fuck. I guess he was thinking a shiny hairstyle would make me forget about that fat belly.

  • Yes it is a problem, spiders use their "hair" to walk on any surface, on the walls, glass, etc.

  • The polar bear story made me cry like shit rofl. Ahahah!

  • what show is this from?
