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Kingsman: The Golden Circle ALL Trailers + Clips (2017) | Movieclips Trailers

By February 19, 2018

Kingsman: The Golden Circle ALL Trailers + Clips (2017): Check out this compilation of all trailers and clips starring Taron Egerton, Channing Tatum, and Halle Berry! Be the first to check out trailers and movie teasers/clips dropping soon @MovieclipsTrailers.

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When their headquarters are destroyed and the world is held hostage, the Kingsman’s journey leads them to the discovery of an allied spy organization in the US. These two elite secret organizations must band together to defeat a common enemy.

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  • What did you think of The Kingsman: The Golden Circle? Who is cooler: The Kingsman or The Statesman?

  • I actually screamed when Channing Tatum came in 😂😍

  • Of course it won't be a Kingsman movie without a shirtless Taron. Which is hot btw.

  • what's the song at 4:07?

  • whats the song at 7:15?

  • Someone needs to make a game on this.


  • filmnya seruu bangett gan gua udah liat di bioskop😂😂

    watchnow=> sites.google.com/view/kingsman-thegoldencircle-1080p

  • Good film,,recomended for watching

  • Bnng Lancelot back in Kingsman 3!!!

  • Can anyone tell me why the whole Movie is in Russian elsewhere?

  • 100/10 … ~ best movie ever i think :3

  • "Country road, take me home!"

  • Would actually watch it but not sure if thats a sequel or not… Im also too lazy to check it out. Any advices besides killing myself ? 😂 😅 😢 😭

  • This movie is 100/10

  • I was going to wait till my back pain was better but I can't wait I've got to see it now!

  • Cool

  • did tequilla become a kingsman to be as new galahad? because eggsy already married with the princess

  • Trailer was better then the movie tbh

  • so they all dead right

  • Spectacular Movie Series…

  • DEATHS in Kingsman: The Golden Circle (SPOILERS)

    Most of Kingsman's Knights and
    - Kingsman Cab Driver (Stabbed with Eggsy's poison shoe-knife, caused by Charlie)
    - Arthur (Blown up by missiles)
    - Roxy (Blown up by missiles)
    - Merlin (Blown up by mine - sacrifice)

    Eggsy's Friends:
    - Brandon (blown up by missiles)
    - JB the dog (blown up by missiles)

    - Whiskey (shot in the head by Harry, revived, forced into Poppy's meat grinder by Eggsy and Harry)

    Poppy's Army and Associates:
    - Poppy (Overdosed on deadly heroin injected by Eggsy)
    - Charlie (Neck broken by Eggsy)
    - Charles (Forced into Poppy's meat grinder by Angel)
    - Angel (Ripped apart by Poppy's dogs, caused by Poppy)
    - Clara (Blown up by bombs, caused by Charlie)
    - Dog #1 (Head crushed with bowling balls by Elton and Harry)
    - Dog #2 (Burned with gold by Harry)
    - Robotic Servant (Blown up by grenades, caused by Harry)
    - All Guards (Killed in various ways by Eggsy, Harry and Merlin)
    - Poppy's Antidote Doctor and Colleagues (Blown up by bombs, caused by Charlie)

    Multiple Civilians and Victims (Paralyzed from recreational drugs, then dies from internal bleeding and eyes popping, caused by Poppy)

  • The only thing i found exciting in this movie was all the stuff relating to me, other than that it was terrible, fast, sketchy…however, it was enlightening and i enjoyed a lot.

  • 4:03 what

  • 12th.!

  • Where were the Statesmen in the first movie?

  • Encheste o meu coração de alegria,
    alegria maior do que a daqueles
    que têm fartura de trigo e de vinho.
    Salmos 4:7

  • Ensina-nos a contar os nossos dias
    para que o nosso coração alcance sabedoria.
    Salmos 90:12

  • O cabelo grisalho
    é uma coroa de esplendor,
    e obtém-se mediante uma vida justa.
    Provérbios 16:31

  • This movie was 11/10

  • Spectacular!

  • First
