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Asuka vs. Alexa Bliss: Raw, Jan. 1, 2018

By March 2, 2018

Per Raw General Manager Kurt Angle, Raw Women’s Champion Alexa Bliss faces the undefeated Empress of Tomorrow in a WrestleMania-worthy clash.
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  • Alexa Bliss could win…

  • These divas nowadays is way better in skill

  • I'm impressed! These WWE Divas really have some excellent submission moves. Hell, when playing any WWE video game on either Playstation or Xbox, submission moves always win. Congrats to Alexa Bliss for defending the women's championship belt (RAW) for over 182 days! Also, congrats to Charlotte Flair for defending her women's championship belt (Smackdown) for over 104 days!! Also, congrats to Ember Moon for defending her women's championship belt (NXT) for over 100 days!! Hey I'm a fan for life!!

  • Omg this looks like askua most biggest match

  • Omg this looks like askua most biggest match

  • Good stuff Asuka👍👍👍

  • Alexa says she'll beat Asuka but guess what. Someone should expose Alexa for this since she says, "She can beat Asuka"

  • 2:26 I just wanna rolly rolly ROLly ROLly😂

  • Alexa first loss in 2018 to ASUKA Happy New Year to Alexa 😂😂😂

  • 0.25See this in speed nothing gonna hit on shaha head


  • Mi novia a perdido jasjaja

  • Asuka is so ugly😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

  • alexa i love

  • Asuka for RAW woman's champion!

    She is beautiful and skilled

    No one is never ready for Asuka

  • Am i the only one who voted for asuka?

  • ASUKA hat die Gesichtsmaske von Noh und die Bewegung des Kabuki in der Kimono, basierend auf der klassischen Japan. Sie hat die Arm Lock-Technik von Judo.

  • Really good match

  • That thumbnail though

  • Alexa is stunning 😍💖💖

  • серьезно? кто вообще что-то первого января

  • Asuka has so much opening to get her finishing moves and it's to fast that I can't even see it

  • hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha

  • Asuka always wins the matches it’s not fair 🎤

  • Bible ref.
    1 Corinthians 6:9-11
    9. Or do you not know that the UNrighteous will "NOT" inherit the kingdom of God ?

    Do not be deceived:

    neither the sexually immoral,
    nor fornicators,
    nor idolaters,
    nor adulterers,
    nor homosexuals,
    nor thieves,
    nor sodomites,
    nor covetious,
    nor drunkards,
    nor revilers,
    nor extortioners will inherit the kingdom of God.

    11. And such were some of you. But you were washed, but you were sanctified, but you were justified in the name of our Lord "Jesus" and by the Spirit of God.

    All must REPENT from Sin to enter thy kingdom.

    Jesus Christ is the Only way to the father in heaven.

  • New move " THE Blitzkrieg " five closelines in a row and f up with a Texas cloverleaf….

  • Over smart I love sasha

  • very nice fighting

  • alexa bliss has a killer body…. and so does naomi and sasha banks😭❤️💙

  • Alexa Bliss sexy girl

  • asuka pukimak

  • Alexa was not exposed it was not for the belt, and Asuka should stop slapping her leg so much try some flips.

  • asuka looks like a randomized 'caw' character from the games

  • I love asuka

  • Asuka’s Streak can’t be defeated 💯😩
