READ this: Chris Taylor was an imposing 6-foot-5, 412-pound mountain of a man, who wrestled before weight limits and won a state title as a junior in 1967. He captured NCAA championships in 1973 and 1972 with Iowa State University, where he collected an 87-0-1 record with 70 pins. He earned a bronze medal in the 1972 Olympics and was inducted into the National Wrestling Hall of Fame posthumously in 2012.
Taylor died of cardiovascular complications at his home in Story City, Iowa at the age of 29, and he is buried in his hometown of Dowagiac
Well, I watch that and have more respect for what Kyle is doing. Hopefully it can be Coon gold medalist at heavyweight and Kyle at 220 (Or something close to that).
Off the wall comparison — Stephen Neal (6'5" & #260) in his prime as an NCAA wrestler vs. Coon? Could Neal have landed his famed freight-train double on Coon?
I want to start this off by saying that I thoroughly enjoyed this match and I fully understand the argument for a 220 pound weight class. However, Kyle Snyder was the one that chose to wrestle this weight class and he knows that he will be going against people the that are 60 pounds heavier than he is.
Y'all gotta remember that Kyle Snyder has beat goin before so it's not there first time wrestling they are both great wrestlers jist coon wanted it more this time
I mean they could add a 220lb class that's ok but its been this way forever actually they didn't even need to make 285 at onetime. Lets not not try to take anything away from the Michigan kid, he's a wrestler not some 400 pounder just laying on someone he wrestled. He had a great win, sure i get it in the Olympics they're in different weight classes but this the big 10 Snyder took it like a man he'll be alright. Great match . Pretty sure they'll meet at the big 10's and Nationals
I’ve been waiting for one of these HWT to use their weight advantage against Snyder. It’s never made sense to me that it’s taken 3 years for someone to do this. This is like a 165 pounder not using his weight advantage against a 125 pounder lol
Weight works both ways. Snyder is not a small guy by any means but he he has a quickness and endurance advantage against most of his heavier opponents. On the flip side bigger opponents can out muscle him in folk and wear him down.
Snyder was exhausted really from the start maybe it will help him reset a bit. On the other hand, Coon has been a formidable opponent for a long time, good as they get as well.
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27 Buckeye fans? 😁. I won't lie, I wanted Snyder to win as bad as I wanted him to lose. Any dislike I have is just because he's successful so I don't want to take what he has done away from him. It's like hating Penn State just because they are a stacked team. If Snyder ran around like Mayfield grabbing his crotch and talking s$^t I'd feel different. I think I want Snyder to win it again this year but knowing Coon wants to compete makes this situation so much better. This is coming from a life long PSU fan so bare with me because it was hard to admit 😂. I don't think Nevills has a legitimate chance against either one of these guys.
Most of you don't seem to realize that NCAA HW was once unlimited and '97s were '91s at one point. Watching Chris Taylor competing for Iowa State weighing #430 was interesting. Then he went to the Olympics and got suplayed by a guy weighing maybe #225.
I'm most impressed by the fact that Coon is competing at this level while also being a graduate student (at a good school) in aerospace engineering. That's just damned impressive.
a lot of people don't realize that folkstyle is the most physically demanding of all the styles. coons size just wore snyder down. snyder can't be getting caught under coon on his shots.
Coon was actually NOT the freaking better wrestler here. Snyder had better shots but the size and strength of coon prevented any takedowns. His leg strength is INSANE. The way he could overpower snyder like that. Coon is not the better wrestler. That's very evident. Snyder just didn't have the strength and speed in him today to get it done so props to coon. Hard fought match.