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30 Weird Animal Facts They Didn’t Teach You In School「 funny photos 」

By March 3, 2018

✅ 30 Weird Animal Facts They Didn’t Teach You In School「 funny photos 」
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  • 3:27 Lol

  • 1:18 I’m unsure if that starling knows Helen Keller will never hear it

  • Actually a slow loris get its "venom" from its allergenic elbow and its ALLERGEN NOT VENOM they teached that in school

  • Flamingos exist

  • Wtf I didn't know flamingoes existed

  • the fact about the starling made me shiver because my name is helen

  • Video: Turkeys can reproduce without having sex.
    Me: Well no wonder…!

  • Wait u guys didnt know flamingoes existed?Cuz I knew that scince I was 4.

  • It's platipi no platipuses

  • The 'wind sucking' thing that horses do is actually called cribbing

  • Wow I didn't know that flamingos exist!

  • I may be wrong, but I think the award for most humans killed per year actually goes to humans, not hippos.

  • This is bob 2 (- .-) his bro is trying to take over HIS comment section….help him take it back by commenting him on every video you find.thank you for your support!

  • 3:15
    I never knew

  • I refuse to believe anything on this video soley because of 0:45, you can’t even have proper grammar?! Additionally, no sources……really?

  • 80th like

  • Actually less than 5% of the ocean has been discovered.

  • Flamingos exist…

  • This feels like im reading pokedex entries

  • Flamingoes Exist

  • I am never eating canned mushrooms again

  • I was taught most of these at school

  • i didn't realized that chickens are close to trex
    well yeah i've heard it but i thought that was some bullshit from a cartoon

    well… i regret…

  • Wombats should be in minecraft

  • 3:18 that is why they are on the Australian coat of arms. It symbolises that we are a nation that is constantly moving forwards. Same for the kangaroo

  • And 3:26 uh oh i didnt know that i thought flamingos are not real just like dragons and monsters. (Sarcasm)

  • Most of those were thought in school

  • Haha first picture tho
    Totoro is real

  • Butterflies are dark
