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25 Sad Facts About Animals That Might Make You Shed A Tear

By February 22, 2018

You’ve probably seen a commercial or two of animals behind cages with a sad song playing in the background begging you to cry a long with them…and sure enough you do. After all, few things are sadder in this world than an innocent animal going through pain and suffering. What you are about to experience may not be as sad as these commercials (unless you’re really, really, really sensitive) because except for a few genuinely depressing facts…RIP Flipper…the sadness we are referring to with this list is more of the funny/cute kind. Nevertheless, if you’re not careful, these facts may induce some tears (so be sure to watch this video with some tissues around…you know, just in case). With that said, these are 25 sad facts about animals that might make you shed a tear.

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A group of seagulls is called a wreck

Most young crocodiles won’t become adults because the color of their skin makes them stand out to predators

The dolphin that played Flipper committed suicide by refusing to breathe (dolphins are voluntary breathers)

Starving mice will eat themselves

Jellyfish evaporate in sunlight

The first bomb dropped by the Allies on Berlin during WWII killed the only elephant in the zoo

In 1740 a French cow was hung to death for sorcery

If a sheep is not sheared, the weight of its wool will cause the sheep to fall over and starve to death

Female ferrets will die if they don’t find a mate

Some captive bears have been known to intentionally starve themselves to death

To provide footballs for one NFL season, it requires over 3,000 cows

Tunas will suffocate if they stop swimming

Wolves have been known to chew off their own legs if they get caught in a trap

While mice eat themselves out of hunger, octopi do so out of stress

Mice can sense sadness in other mice which makes them sad too

Garden lizards have been known to eat their own tails for calcium

On average, mayflies live less than one day

A sea turtle will never meet its mother

Salt creek tiger beetles live underground for their whole lives until just before they die

Octopi live alone and only leave home when absolutely necessary

Roadrunners cry to get rid of excess salt

Like octopi, foxes spend most of their lives alone

The average goldcrest will never have a birthday (they only live 8 months)

Cicadas spend up to 17 years underground

Each year thousands of greyhounds are euthanized because they lack racing potential

Aren’t these animal facts sad?! If you shed a tear you might want to check out these as well:

25 Coolest Ways That Animals Adapt To Their Environments -
25 Most Intelligent Animals On Earth -


  • Every fact Make me cry

  • 3:19 maybe you should’ve included the fact that 1/3 of foals raised to race will be sent to slaughter before they ever step foot on the race track. Also that the slaughter houses that US horses go to are in Canada and Mexico, where they’re starved (which is because the meat is shit anyway and is often for poor people, so they don’t care much if they’re skinny) and in Mexico stabbed with a small fuckig knife in the spine, just enough to make them mostly-paralyzed, not even unconscious. In Canada they’re shot in the head once, despite the fact that horses’ skull structure is too complex to die or often even go unconscious by a bullet to the head. Many horses are killed on the drive to slaughter houses because they’re not made to be livestock, meaning they’re not used to being shoved next to each other.

  • 0:52 that’s because they belong in the fucking wild. I swear I want to fucking kill every dolphin trainer

  • MEH….
    I hate all animals except Wolfes

  • "Damn I'm so sad…Guess I'll just eat myself."

    Honestly terrifying.

  • That song you quoted in the beginning is a fricking meme

  • ARH

    Wish that cow escaped and fucked up everybody who tried to hang it.

  • Damn the first one got me 😭😭😭

    Jk lol

  • This has just made me hate humanity even more.

  • List 25, here are some sad animal facts

  • Here's a sad fact on a dinosaur:
    Majungasaurus cannibalize each other

  • me➡ =[ 🔫☠

  • Dude that fact with that wolf face Is creepy

  • It's immoral to euthanise an animal unless it's suffering. What kind of monsters are we as humans?? to kill an animal because it can't run fast enough? that really is evil.

  • I know the sea turtle thing but it is pretty sad

  • most of these were just the circle of life things humans have no say in.

  • I swear… I will murder the people who kill a greyhound because it can't race.

  • POOR WOLVES WAGG AT LEAST they escaped but stilllll


  • 2:29 officially got me…:'(

  • Did anyone actually shed a tear about this video? Just wondering

  • Half of these facts were incorrect. Also, these facts werent sad at all….

  • 0:00 ear rape

  • I can't believe this: A dolphin commits suicide. The stuff about lemmings is a myth, but this….Oh my God! and Bears. "Enjoying our lists/" Well, no, not this one.

  • The may fly one is true, but they CAN only have sex, no mouth at all

  • 22 is true
    My brother ate himself 🙁
    I'm not even asking for likes
    It happened 6 years ago
    Also 11


  • So sad 😢

  • I laughed at every single one

  • anyone else watch this entire video and not cry

  • lol he watched the cove

  • amongst all the wolf's fact got me
    why the fuck would they chew their own legs which can be used for escaping
