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The Most Incredible Animal Facts Ever!

By May 31, 2018

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Watch Me React To The Most Incredible Animal Facts Ever!
Kyuties! Can we get this video to 5K LIKES?! I love you! ^_^
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Fair Use: For educational purposes and criticism.


  • Lmao, last year I can do derpy face, but I don't anymore because I don't.

  • My friend can move there eyes like that I'm not kidding

  • I knew half of these facts

  • Once when i was VERY young, me and my brother found a snail and kept it as a pet until we made an obstacle course and the edges were salt… RIP Slimey

  • Does anyone remember in another video it said that bees sleep in flowers something?

  • does that mean marlin from finding nemo is a mother and not a dad!?

  • does that mean marlin from finding nemo is a mother and not a dad!?

  • If bees never sleep then why did the words say bees can sleep on the nectar HUH

  • Honey bees do sleep. Idk about other bees though.

  • can you teach me how to do the "eyes moving sperately" trick
    or is it editing

  • I could kinda tell it was edited but good skills

  • I legit screamed when you did the eye thing

  • A cockroache's head is inside its body so without a head it will die from starvation

  • You are creepy

  • 0:38 When someone eats the last slice of pizza😂😂😂😂

  • 1:08 technically owls don’t even have eye BALLS
    They are more like tubes


  • That edit looked real for a sec don't do that 😂

  • At 0:33 i was TERRIFIED

  • With the cockroach one, there was actually a chicken that was decapitated, and lived for over a week after that

  • 0:37 NO STOP IT STOP IT!!

  • 0:36 thought it was real for a second. Nice editing skills 👌🏻

  • 0:36 It didn’t even look like you edited it! You’re good at it!

  • Pause the video at 4:00 ! Lmao her face looks so creepy! 😂🤣

  • Omg my god 43: oh…
