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Indoor Soccer Tournament highlights

By February 19, 2018

The academy boys were invited to attend an indoor futsal tournament where we went up against a few local clubs from several different divisions.

Our guys were taken by surprise the first game and a few times I found myself yelling at the players and missing the shots so sorry for missing the 1st game’s goals!

Awoltalk & Croix - Midnight Special

NCS: The Best of 2016


  • Although I'm the under10s keeper I still play like a beast

  • He sucks i better

  • This goalkeeper wasnt even bad, sure he might have let in many shots, but besides that i liked his energy despite his goals and he made hella saves that im sure most of us gks wouldnt even be able to make

  • Seeing videos like these gets my self esteem higher, always having horrible games with goal differences of 5+, thanks for taking your time to post man

  • I am the best goalkeeper in my secondary school or u cool it high school

  • Are there romanians in the team?

  • I always liked playing goal indoors more than outdoor. I like the quicker pace and with a smaller field I can get more touches with my feet and even contribute to the attack. This field however looks miserable, I much prefer turf.

  • Y'all play 4 quarter halfs tf

  • Terrible

  • I thought that this was gonna be good game play

  • If you are looking for a good pair of gloves go to J4K brilliant gloves there have a few pairs myself 😀👍

  • According to your team, there's no such thing as good marking

  • Make ur defensive players use the keeper. I noticed a guy attempting to shake off opponent attackers by dribbling which could be dangerous if he gets tackled. So i suggest to pass to the keeper in such cases and also the team needs better man-marking..Other than that its a great team!

  • Footwork could be better. Needs to be paying more attention to the game instead of turning away and be upset, especially indoors.

  • Like a combination of futsal and indoor…..nice…and general observation you guys dribble too much more one touch passing let the ball do the work.

  • I will like to be part of your team⚽️💯

  • Not really a great keeper I've seen so much better keepers

  • Defense needs some work.

  • How does it not hurt when diving on floor

  • Also mein team und ich haben gegen rapid wien gespielt und gegem andere und haben 2:0 gewonnen war nur ein freunschaftsspiel habe ein 11 meter gehalten. aber war nicht schlecht von ihm aber ihr müsst mehr verteidingen weil er alleine kann nicht alles klären nicht mal manuel neuer bekommt keine tore jeder bekommt welche aber ohne verteidigung schafft ihr nix aber viel glück im nachhinein!

  • that goalkeeper can't hold on to the ball for his life

  • Ustedes ablan español

  • After watching 2 videos I just had to subscribe

  • y'all put american soccer to shame.

  • He9


  • If you're looking for training gear, video equipment gloves and other sweet hand picked GK deals check out http://albertoruizsoccer.com/deals for handpicked sales on everything GK and GK YT related!

  • I tried out my first indoor goalkeeping a couple days ago, and I actually found out that indoor goalkeeping is more about using your feet and legs not so much about your hands.

  • 7:33
    What an impressive save!

  • This dude did the splits

  • Where Are you from?

  • 800th like!

  • soccer on ice😂😂😂😂

  • I used to play this kind of soccer, honestly it was one of the most fun but frustrating things in the world haha. Honestly man. You have inspired me to actually go forth again and try my hardest as keeping again. I went back to playing again and it feels amazing doing great saves, and just flying through the wind. You're my favorite goalkeeper on YouTube. Hopefully I will ever get the chance to see you if I go to Germany.

  • Not inside soccer but in one of the games I had during the season my coach kind of did get angry

  • I'm a Greek goalkeeper and I want to tell you Alberto that you have fans from Greece

  • its s hard to be a gk on hard surface

  • Hello Alberto! I have been loving your channel and loved this highlight video. I have been using your technique on stopping PKs and used it especially today. I have been practicing to try out for my high school team, so I've been using your beginner stuff lately to get the feel of goalkeeping and what I need to do. Today at a community lunch, me and my buddies had a PK contest with me in goal. Reading the movements right before the ball is kicked like you taught really is a game changer. I was able to stop almost half of the ones shot at me, not great but better, and able to stop almost any stoppable shot that came to me. Thanks for all that you do, you really have formed my life quite a bit. PS I'll keep you in touch about my high school tryout :).
