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HIIT Fat Blaster with Warm Up Cardio - High Intensity Interval Training Workout for Fat Loss

By March 1, 2018

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Note: All information provided by Fitness Blender is of a general nature and is furnished only for educational/entertainment purposes only. No information is to be taken as medical or other health advice pertaining to any individual specific health or medical condition. You agree that use of this information is at your own risk and hold Fitness Blender harmless from any and all losses, liabilities, injuries or damages resulting from any and all claims.


  • Used it as a warm up - this is Hell! haha

  • Thanks for the warm up included in this workout…

  • Just finished some hot cheetos and now I am here :c

  • I just travelled through time to create my own FitnessBlender workout 😀 This one as the warm up + a 2014 dumbbell workout + a 2015 cooldown. Love it how you guys provide us with so many awesome workouts for every different need! Thank you!

  • Can't. Breathe. Thanks! #workoutcomplete!

  • I do this as a warm up, makes my pulse run and me sweat all over… ;o)

  • Workout complete 21.01.2017 - 4.26am.

  • 16/11/16 💦

  • I'm dead.

  • i don't envy my neighbours…

  • What's so weird is that this killed me more than your 30+ minutes videos!

  • awesome workout!

  • I love the short workouts you guys have they are amazing for people like me who are begginers and are trying to get in to the fitness world love it!

  • Just finished this workout! Super awesome and very intense! I'm working my way up though.

  • This is fitness blenders first work out that I had to open the window for cause I thought I was going to puke..drink loads of water to try Make myself feel better and you could hear the water shaking around my belly for the mountain climbers ahah

  • I think I died.

  • Just did this, I can imagine it does burn a lot of calories! Hard but short work out 🙂

  • Looking at this I thought it would be easy. I was wrong.

  • I have a question.. I don't do HIIT (I may start, but I prefer traditional modes of exercise, especially a nice jog in the park where I'm outside). I do uphill jogs (a few of them usually on one run). They are intense, I am usually dead by the time I get to the top of the hill. Does this mean I am incorporating HIIT into my regular jogging routine?

  • This is super helpful. Simple, clear instructions. Lol, didn't know I could even do a burpee until I tried it! (Guess I'm in better shape than I thought)

  • Still good!

  • Still good!

  • i died at the double dutch 

  • in order to lose weight should I do  this 8 minute HIIT or the long HIIT? How many calories does this burn? +FitnessBlender 

  • Okay I am sweating from just two rounds…whew…!!!

  • butt kickers are the worst thing ever
    and i thought i hated burpees… oh my god 
    i can't do 20 seconds..i roughly do 15

  • hate this! im about to die 🙁

  • i should try this

  • nice video

  • How many calories does this burn?

  • They are a hell of alot better than squats.. I dread them thru every workout!

  • I'm going to do these right when I wake up and go jogging 😉

  • it works!! am i supposed to do this one in combination with another one of your vids? if so which one? link please:) thanks

  • I always check the comments to get an idea of what the vid/channel is like so I hope this helps someone: I've been working out for YEARS, and using FB's workouts for about 4 months. In these 4 months I have lost weight, shaped my body quite nicely, lost cellulite, gained strength and stopped having a sharp pain I had sometimes, randomly, out of nowhere while breathing normally. I have not repeated ANY vid more than 3 times, they have so many! I absolutely recommend them. <3 Love from Mexico.

  • I find that doing this video combined with the HIIT Fat Blaster video makes for an excellent workout day.

  • I'm switching up my workout routine to include some morning cardio and this is perfect for that! not too long so I can get it in with my morning getting ready for work routine but still effective enough to get my heart going in the morning. Thanks fitness blender!

  • Ahh love it'

  • this is great for a morning workout! great jobs guys! I'm really glad I found this channel!

  • how many calories does this workout burn ?

  • I hate burpees… *sigh*

  • You have a stictch. It means you've eat too close to jogging, you need to wait 2 hours after a eat a meal to run or 30 minutes after a small snack.

  • hi……i am an overweight guy …..at the jogging part i have ache in the left side of the chest ,please let me know the reason behind it……

  • What would you pair this with for a days workout? Would you do it twice? Or is this HIIT enough on it's own? I aim for 5 workouts a week & need something new to shift my plateau. Advice welcome! Thanks 🙂

  • what i LOVE about this:
    1- The oral instructions so Im not always straining my neck to see whats happening on screen while working out
    2- The demonstration so that if Im stuck, I can peek at an example of what Im supposed to be doing
    3- THE CLOCK ROCKS!! Having that countdown is hands down a motivator for me..
    thanks so much for bringing this into my lounge
    Kind regards,

  • Can you make a hitt workout with burpees or mountain climbers??

  • The whole "knees behind the toes" thing is actually a misleading myth. The most important part of the squat is the hinging at the hips to initiate the movement. While knee stress may increase by 28% if knees go excessively over the toes, hip stress increases by 1000% if forward motion of the knee is prohibited. (Per the American Council on Exercise)

  • Can you do this workout multiple times throughout the day to burn even more calories?

  • Wow! I'm spent.

  • I like the way FitnessBlander put all videos together . You guys are very smarts
