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Foxes: 8 Interesting Facts about Wild and Domestic Animals

By February 28, 2018

Foxes are widespread animals, which belong to the Canidae family. The habitat of a fox varies from forests and steppes to deserts and mountains.

Even though this animal is found in many countries of Europe and Asia, kids and adults get most of information about these animals from childhood stories, where foxes usually are represented as sly and quick animals.

We decided to change this situation a bit and created a list of true facts about foxes and interesting things one might want to know about them.

This video presentation was created for educational purposes (all sources and credits are listed in the end of the video and in the “further reading sections”) and includes such fun facts about foxes:

- mousing leap as an adaptation for the winter season;

- can you get a pet fox?

- why fennec foxes have fur on their paws;

- fennecs as the smallest representatives of the dog family;

- why desert foxes need 6-inch-long ears;

- forms of communication used by these wild animals;

- how foxes use their tails.


  • Yayyyyyy I love this!!!! My fav animal cuz I'm a little fox on yt human breed tho

  • Wow…8 large for a pet fox.The price of a couple of nice cars.Amazing little creatures.I have a couple of foxes that roam my property here in Kentucky.Good video.Thank you,and have a Merry Christmas.

  • Actually, no "true fox" (foxes classified as members of the species Vulpes) is a member of the dog family (members of the species Canis). Dogs, wolves, coyotes, and foxes belong to the larger classification of Canids, but foxes and canines cannot reproduce together, and hence are not closely-related breeds.

  • Bit of a disclaimer you should know. Most of the videos during the talk about domesticated foxes are of a non-domesticated red fox rescued from a fur farm called Loki.

  • I want a pet fox, they're amazing animals I love them 😀

  • foxes are is dogs family

  • 0:48 FIYAAA! blip blip blip blip blip

  • I'm watching this for a project an animal report

  • i would like to have a fox as a pet not that diffrent from having a dog right?

  • Wrong. Domestic foxes exists in the USA and are available inside the USA, and of which DO NOT have any DNA connection to Russian Domestics. I own one of these American Domesticated Foxes and they cost around $400USD. Around the Tri-State Area around Ohio there are over 5 domestic Fox breeders.

  • What do you think about having a pet fox? How good or bad is that?
