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Fitness Blender’s Red Light Green Light HIIT Cardio Workout - Bodyweight Cardio Workout to Burn Fat

By March 4, 2018

Bodyweight Cardio and Sculpting Workout to help you lose fat and tone up fast; Calorie burn info & printable routine @ Lose 16-24 lbs in 8 weeks with our free videos - find out how @
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  • So hard!! Love these older workouts. They’re more challenging!

  • One of my favorite workouts. I may get this baby weight off of me yet!

  • Ash

    The first time I did this was a 4 years ago….couldnt make it passed jumping jacks….now it's easy and would have to do it twice to get a good workout….thanks fitness blender

  • Those. Burpees. Decided to do it without dthe lateral jumps… one of the longest 120 seconds of my life.

  • I don't know why, but mountain climbers kill me. I can do burpees, squats, lateral jumps, and basically ANY other HIIT move, but mountain climbers are extremely difficult! I pushed through, though, and I'm glad I did. Nothing is better than seeing the "Workout Complete" screen!

  • Excellent coaching with the timing handy which is very easy to follow, and the level just what I regular female like myself can do daily at home ! The best HIIT cadio I have found !

  • 070817

  • I have a question and it's just weird. my squat form, I can still lift my toes and keep my back fairly straight (I feel I have good form but) I use to be able to do a squat with good form with my legs closer together, still shoulder width but not it seems it is just more comfortable to do them with my legs farther apart.. is this normal?

  • 27.03.17

  • So fun! And this went soooo much faster than expected! 🙂 🙂 Fitnessblender is truly the best fitness channel there is.

  • I love your workouts..U guys are great..

  • Brutal! Thanks, FitnessBlender. You guys always bring it!

  • WOW this is nice but the first time i did it, it felt like hell!

  • 피트니스블렌더가 가장 동작을 이해하기 쉽게 설명해주는 운동 유투버인 것 같아요! 늘 잘보고 있으니 앞으로도 좋은 영상 많이 올려주세요. Thank you!

  • Did this after the 52 minute intense fat burning cardio, thighs, butt. I feel like rubber, but sooo goooood

  • during the 2nd to the last exercise I was thinking "great there is no burpees!", then the last one was burpees, then I commenced to using four letter words, lol. great workout though!!

  • Sweating like a pig… but in a good way!

  • wow. Good work out. Legs are burning.

  • What a workout!!! Sweat pouring all over!!!

  • Did this today and those mountain climbers were really challenging!

  • mountain climbers are always hard for me…and my neighbours downstairs ain't fans either because too loud…:-((

  • Kelli, every time I see you do those mountain climbers, knowing how much they are NOT your favorite exercise, I tell myself, "See, Kelli's doing it, and she doesn't like them either!" Thanks for pushing through it for me!

  • Awsome! It killed me. Thank you!

  • this was literally so much fun!! and somehow, i knew the burpees were coming ugh XD

  • Omg. I finished this, but it was very intense. Thank you for this. I'll do it again this week, too! 😀

  • Is this workout to be used in combination with your other workouts? I found it fun, but very easy. Or is it just for beginners? Is my form making it easier?

  • I discovered this video about a year ago and it is always killer :] it's one of my favorites and has definitely helped me build cardiac capacity - thanks guys!!

  • I've done many of your cardio workouts……all are challenging but this one ALWAYS KILLS ME for some reason…..Thank You for the workout!!

  • Just did this as my warm up! Love it!

  • I started to slow down half way through and had to alter one of the exercises but I still pushed through. "If you can't fly then run, If you can't run then walk, if you can't walk then crawl, but whatever you do you have to keep moving forward."

  • Great video 🙂 Really kickstarted my day and my fitness journey! Love from Ireland 🙂 x

  • Once i saw burpees, I walked away. LOL, I just died. sweating like crazy!!

  • I'm sweating like a pig right now lol. Great workout thanks!!

  • I think I will have to wait until my 1 year old is in bed….kinda hard when he keeps trying to walk under my legs when I jump lol. Seems like a good workout for me-pretty much zero fitness….had a long break from HIIT.

  • I love u guys great videos and u keep cardio from being boring

  • I LOVE fitness blender! Who knew you could sweat so much in the comfort of your living room 🙂 you guys rock!

  • I just finished this workout. A sweat fest indeed. Thanks for your workouts.

  • Ouch!  That was fun though.

  • Awesome workout, thanks :]

  • Damn! That was a good workout!

  • Really liked this. I liked not knowing what was coming or when. Would be great for more!

  • fantastic.not easy though

  • first video of yours i finished completely. but i sort of cheated on the burpees 🙁 skipped like 5 burpees, lol. but thanks!

  • This was freaking awesome! I really enjoyed not knowing when we start or stop. Made me push myself even more. Thanks Guys!

  • MY LEGS!!!

  • Oh yes good workout, just finished and I'm sweating like crazy. Today is my first day. Will do it for 15 days then check my weight. Hope it works. Need to get rid of 5kg

  • This is a GREAT workout. Not only does it work your whole body but it also challenges your mind. I love the concept of this workout. It always kept me on my toes by thinking on my feet because I would have to react quickly to the light changes. Great job guys. 🙂
