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Double Ladder Burpee Madness! Fast Fat Burning Cardio and Total body Toning Workout

By March 3, 2018

Burpee Madness Challenge - It’s only 6 minutes long, it can’t be that hard, right?
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  • How many calories does this burn? So like minimum and maximum?

  • I shouldn't do jumping exercises, but I do to try to keep up…

  • i did it for burnout after a 30mins workout and i am dead

  • First time to finish a workout. Thank you so much, fitness blender. You really are the best fitness channel here in youtube. God bless you guys ♥️

  • loving the madness!! 🙂 I don't like burpees any more than the next person but I acknowledge they sure do work!!

  • Had to do two short rests between 🙁 Hope to do it better next time.

  • So hard. So good. Lungs on fire.

  • my legs were spaghetti after this!

  • * does 10 burpees * * collapses in a puddle of sweat and doesn't get up * * whispers to self * "workout complete"

  • I'm not gonna lie. It hurts. Although i do burpees with a push up.

  • RIP.

  • Omg am dead

  • I think i died twice in this workout Haha. Great workout like always fitness blender.

  • I actually love burpees.. Hard and challenging, just how I like it. 🙂

  • Adult ADD? Now i figured it out why i was able to stick with all your workouts cause they never boring . Much love from an ADD fitnessblender fan. 😛

  • did it pausing it because i can't do it that fast!

  • You just never fail to feel the burn after burpees.

  • nim

    this was…INTENSE 😐

  • What if you have a bad knee and can't juimp.

  • I love double ladder!!! But I have to admit it took me ages to complete the workout, I had to stop the video and do it at my own pace because it was frustrating how quickly Kelli goes haha, but I completed it anyway 😀
    Thank you for yet another amazing workout… I was literally dripping sweat

  • 6 heavy minutes this is hiit this is lean this is fast! Only 6 minutes! Then add some abs workout to it and your done!
    The best HIIT training posted on the internet! Short and fast!

  • wow. panting. great one.

  • I like the double ladder structure.What a great workout if i am short on time

  • So good! This is the 3rd video I've done from you guys and it amazes me how in such a short amount of time you can leave me completely breathless. Loved the double ladder structure.

  • Am I the only person who loves burpees? They burn so many calories, and with time they get easier- love this workout!

  • I prefer calling them " suicide jumps " instead of " burpees " . I really hate doing them

  • how many times a week? doing this every day is a problem??

  • Just tried this. It is a true torture for me. I had to stop half way… cos I got too giddy. But I went back to finish it up after the giddy spell pass. I am going to keep trying till I get the whole workout done in one shot! Thanks a million.

  • wow I did it 🙂 feels soo good!

  • Wow 😀 Loved it! I was so surprised that I was able to keep with Kelly! Do more "Double Ladders".

  • i do this twice, the first time as shown, the second time instead of jumping up after the burpee i do a calf raise, and then add the jump to the squat!

  • but its really good exercise i will do it again

  • i couldn't finish it i was really exhausted and i had asthma :/

  • is that ok if i don't put my hands up? becouse my room roof is too low

  • I hurt my wrist 30 secs in and had to stop ….. 🙁

  • Suggestions for fat loss weekly at home routines? Thanks!

  • You two are incredible and very inspirational. Do either of you have suggestions for home workouts for weight loss? I do not belong to a gym and want to work out at home. Is there a typical routine you could suggest? Thanks in advance!! 🙂

  • My lower back hurts when I do alot of burpees.

  • This one was a killer!

  • You guys are an amazing couple! I love your healthy relationship and you guy's dedication to help others. You guys have been an inspiration to me and I know you guys have been an inspiration for other people 😀 You guys should definitely sell fitness blender gear, I would buy! Amazing video by the way, such a great warm up before a leg strength training day. Hope you're doing well after surgery Kelly!
