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Brutal HIIT Ladder Workout - 20 Minute HIIT Workout at Home

By March 1, 2018

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  • oh god burn 200-280 cal when finish this i'm going to die before i can see my abs clearly .

  • I just wanted an hiit circuit to include in my workout…….
    @19:43 he said, "…make sure you're dead by the time….."

  • 13:49 “Just keep those knees moving… and let it relax. Go ahead and switch to those burpees…” Pretty sure switching to those burpees isn't letting it relax! Brutal 20 minute workout! My calves were killing me! Excellent way to put in thorough full-body cardio workout when you're short on time. Thanks for the great content, Kelli & Daniel!

  • i think i burned calories just watching him suffer. now to try this… wish me luck. LMFAO

  • Ya know, I like to think I'm in decent shape. I work construction and eat a lot but am not overweight by any means. I'm 6'1 at 165lb (yeah need to gain weight.) I did the whole thing and my legs were dead by the next day. It was so hard to walk for the next 3-4 days.

  • This is 20 minutes of real body shaping

  • This dude is doing my 1 month worth of cardio in 20 Mins…

  • Thank you very much I love you because of you my life changed continued in the videos

  • Not brutal.
    A good workout but not hard.

  • I did it! I had to take longer breaks.. it was hard!

  • Brutal
    Damn fkin straight it is, jesus..

  • "five seconds left & it's almost done" x99

  • Man, that is harder than it looks. Great workout, thank you.

  • thnx i have dabetes

  • Guys Im 28 years police man I tried it for first time …n I have done this with comfort man…

  • I did the first warm up and made one day break and carried on

  • good stuff

  • And Switch it UP……MURDER!

  • Wasn’t able to go to the gym this morning so I looked up HIIT workouts at home. I did this and stopped at my first round of high knees. About 10 minutes later I restarted and got through it. Funny that I was able to do the burpees but I couldn’t get myself (mainly my lungs) to do the jumping jacks afterwards. I did stop after every burpees set.. I will try to do this w/o stops tonight. It hurts so good!

  • Im literally dead
