Weird & Strange Animal Facts which can startle you!
Hummingbirds beat their wings 60 to 80 times per second
It doesn’t matter that hummingbirds weigh next to nothing, some less than the weight of a penny!. The fact that they have such small wings, means that they have to work overtime to keep themselves afloat.
#2 Male koalas have two penises, and female koalas have two vaginas
This is apparently quite common among marsupials in general. Why would you ever need two?? One causes enough trouble as it is, and we can’t imagine it actually has any kind of benefit!
#3 At birth, a panda is smaller than a mouse and weighs about four ounces
As if pandas weren’t already the most adorable creatures in the world! Though this one comes with the added benefit of not being physically able to bite your head off. Always a good quality when choosing a companion.
#4 The flamingo can only eat when its head is upside-down
Be grateful we don’t eat like this. We imagine having to do headstands at the dinner table every night would be massively inconvenient, though it would probably give us all a good arm and shoulder workout.
#5 A female ferret will die if it goes into heat and cannot find a mate
Question: What’s worse than going out on a date with somebody, realizing it’s not going to work out, and ending the date by breaking it off with them? Answer: Being a female ferret in the exact same situation. Poor gals.
#6 The venom of the king cobra is so deadly that just one gram of it is enough to kill a person 150 times over
This most deadly snake can be found predominately in the forests of southeast Asia, so make sure you keep your eyes peeled for something like the picture below slithering around. Not to mention that they’re also long enough and strong enough to constrict their prey! Scary!
#7 The oldest known animal in the world was Ming, the 405-year old clam, discovered in 2007
Unbelievable! Ming was discovered off the coast of Iceland, and the growth rings on its shell quickly established it as the oldest known creature in world history. Unfortunately, it had passed away by the time it was discovered. Scientists think that studying Ming could help us understand how some animals live for so long.
#8 One species of jellyfish can revert back to it’s child stage after becominjellyfishg sexually mature, effectively making it immortal
No, we’re not kidding- it’s called the Turritopsis nutricula, and it achieves this through the cell development process of transdifferentiation, which you can look up on your own time. Before you even ask, yes, scientists are studying the jellyfish as we speak, though who can say what will come of it.
#9 There are 1,000,000 ants for every human in the world
We couldn’t resist pulling out the old calculator for this one, so according to the most recent world population estimate, there are approximately 7 quadrillion (that’s 15 zeroes!) ants in the world. So just remember- every moment we’re alive is a moment the ants have given us.
#10 A bat can eat up to 1000 insects per hour
It strikes us that, if they weren’t so creepy, it might be a good idea to keep a bat as a pet. Think about it: It could scare away robbers, you wouldn’t have a bug problem anymore, and you’d never have to buy it food because it would just eat the bugs around the house! Wonder if you could get a leash on one…
#11 A blue whale weighs as much as three elephants and is as long as three Greyhound buses
This is a good perspective fact, because if you were anything like our ignorant selves, you always sort of figured elephants and whales were about the same size. Not so, dear readers, not so at all. Whales are absolutely MASSIVE.
#12 Dogs have lived with humans for over 14,000 years
Dogs are called “Man’s Best Friend” for a reason, though we’re willing to bet their function in human society has changed quite a bit since then. Most dogs don’t really help us hunt anymore; instead they serve as arm candy for the Paris Hiltons of the world. How the mighty have fallen!
#13 A pig’s orgasm lasts 30 minutes
They’re probably mocked by us more than any other animal, but we’re willing to bet that, because of this fact, they don’t mind all that much.
#14 Only half of a dolphin’s brain sleeps at a time. The other half makes sure it comes up for water so it doesn’t drown
We’ve heard of sleeping with one eye open, but isn’t this a little bit absurd? For real though, this probably would have been a useful skill during college if we could’ve had half of our brain write a paper while the other half slept.
#15 A snail can sleep for 3 years at a time
Which is absolutely unfair. Heck, we only get to sleep more than eight hours a night on the weekend! These gastropods need to get a job or something.
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